Cook Dentistry offers an array of restorative dental procedures. Whether your needs or simple or more complex, Dr. Ryan Cook can customize a treatment plan for you.
Tooth Colored Fillings
Whether we are replacing an old silver/ amalgam filling or removing and repairing a cavity, Dr. Cook uses a tooth colored resin composite filling material. Unlike silver/ amalgam fillings which are held in place with only mechanical retention the composite material requires a bonding agent which forms a chemical bond with the tooth. Tooth colored fillings match so well, that they often cannot be detected with the untrained eye.
Did you know that Dr. Cook finds cavities under almost every silver filling he removes? Until a cavity becomes large enough to reach the nerve in the pulp chamber of the tooth, it often doesn’t cause any pain. The corrosive environment of the metal fillings helps slow the decay process, so most people have had silver fillings for years and have no idea there is a cavity. Silver fillings also expand and contract at a different rate than teeth which can cause hairline fractures in the tooth structure over time.
Core Build-ups & Crowns
Dr. Cook uses the latest cad cam Cerec technology to fabricate crowns in one visit. Using a digital intra-oral scanner eliminates the need for bulky, uncomfortable impressions. Dr. Cook has over eighteen years experience using high tech software to design your crown, and our milling unit will mill your crown from a high-grade porcelain block in about an hour which means you don’t have to wear a temporary or come back for multiple appointments. When more than 60% of the coronal structure of the tooth has been compromised, crowns may be recommended in conjunction with a core build-up which is basically a large filling to help build the tooth up enough to support a crown.
Tooth Replacement
Every patient’s needs are different. The first step when considering tooth replacement is a comprehensive exam and x-rays so that a treatment plan can be customized for you specifically. It’s important to understand all of your options so you can make an informed decision. No man made replacement will ever be as good as our natural teeth, but Cook Dentistry will work hard to help you through the process of tooth replacement by preparing you for what to expect, informing you about maintenance, and including as many adjustments as you need for no additional cost.
Removable Partials & Dentures
Dr. Ryan Cook makes many different kinds of removable partials & dentures depending on your specific needs. Let us customize a treatment plan and help you find the prosthetic that will work best for you.
Fixed Bridges
A “fixed” bridge works like a crown in that it is cemented into place, and does not come in and out like a “removable” partial. We can help determine if a bridge may be the best option to replace a tooth by customizing a treatment plan specific to your needs.
Implants are a two-step process involving the surgical placement of a titanium screw like implant followed by the placement of an implant supported restoration. A CT-Scan is usually recommended to measure bone height and width before deciding what size implant is appropriate.
Root Canal Treatment
Root Canal treatment becomes necessary when your tooth hurts or has become infected due to necrosis, but you don’t want to lose the tooth. Many things can cause a tooth to become necrotic: trauma, deep decay, and even irreversible pulpitis following dental procedures.
To understand what root canal treatment is, it helps to have a general understanding of tooth anatomy. A small access opening is created on the chewing surface of the tooth giving access to the pulp chamber. Using special instruments, the canal(s) are thoroughly cleaned removing all the vital tissue. Then the canal(s) are filled with a bio-friendly substance. X-rays are taken throughout the procedure to confirm that the end of the canal(s) are reached without perforating the apex.
Dr. Ryan Cook performs most root canal procedures in-office, but may refer to a specialist in rare circumstances. Teeth that have had root canal treatment in the past can sometimes re-infect requiring re-treatment. Often, a crown is recommended, especially on molars, following root canal treatment. This is because without the vital tissue and nutrients from blood supply the tooth will become brittle resulting in fracture.
Sport Guards & Night Guards
Sports Guards. If you’re an athlete participating in contact sports that put your teeth at risk, Cook Dentistry can fabricate a custom sports guard to help protect them. Our ProForm Guards are made by taking an impression of your upper teeth. From that we make a model. Using special equipment that melts a sheet of thick plastic, and a high pressured vacuum forms the plastic around the custom mold. The excess plastic is trimmed away leaving a sports guard that is custom fitted and less bulky than most home-made guards. These guards have a built in splint behind the upper front teeth for added support, and can be made in just about any color. Any guard is better than no guard! Play hard, but wear your Guard!!
Night Guards. Night Guards are typically recommended for people with severe bruxism (grinding or clenching) or people suffering from TMJ (tempro mandibular joint) dysfunction. These may also be recommended for patients who’ve had extensive implants or restorative dentistry as added protection. Dr. Ryan Cook typically makes a hard, clear plastic guard that is at least two millimeters thick, and fits on your upper teeth. Patients are encouraged to wear them at night, and when worn correctly can provide a great deal of relief for the TMJ joints and protect teeth from the adverse effects of grinding.
Enamel Micro-abrasion
Enamel Micro-Abrasion is recommended to treat hypocalcification (white spots) or discoloration (brown-spots) especially noticeable after braces have been removed. These white spots are caused when the enamel has insufficient calcium making the enamel appear more opaque or chalky. Teeth whitening will only make them lighter, and won’t work to correct the variance in color on the enamel. Cook Dentistry recommends MI Paste treatment (Minimal Intervention) to help re-mineralize the enamel in some cases causing the spots to disappear completely. This noninvasive procedure doesn’t even require anesthetic, and the results are incredible. The number of visits required may vary depending on the degree and amount of hypocalcification.